Mihai Eminescu - translations by Adrian G. Sahlean & al.

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Translators Side-By-Side - Over Tree Tops

On this page, you are invited to sample a fragment from 'Legenda Luceafarului' /' The Legend of the Evening Star' in my rendition, as well as versions of the same text by other well-known Eminescu translators. Also side-by-side you will find links to versions of 'Glossa' ('Glossa'), 'La Steaua' ('Unto The Star') and 'Peste vârfuri' ('Over Tree Tops'). This is a unique feature for poetry sites, meant to give the reader a better insight into the difficulties of translating Eminescu's content, musicality, style of language, etc. (more on this in the Translator's Note).The featured translators, listed alphabetically, are Andrei Bantas, Dimitrie Cuclin, Petre Grimm, Roy McGregor-Hastie, Leon Levitki, Sylvia Pankhurst, Corneliu M. Popescu and Brenda Walker. Their name will appear in the navigation bar only if applicable to the featured poem. The poem is listed under my English title, while the often divergent title translation by others will be mentioned before each author's text.

You can listen to my translation of 'Peste varfuri' included in the 'Eternal Longing, Impossible Love' book / CD project (presented elsewhere on this site) as narrated by American Repertory Theater actor Jeremy Geidt by clicking here

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Mihai Eminescu

Peste Varfuri

Peste vârfuri trece lună,
Codru-şi bate frunza lin,
Dintre ramuri de arin
Melancolic cornul sună.

Mai departe, mai departe,
Mai încet, tot mai încet,
Sufletu-mi nemângâiet
Îndulcind cu dor de moarte.

De ce taci, când fermecată
Inima-mi spre tine-ntorn?
Mai suna-vei, dulce corn,
Pentru mine vre odată?

Adrian G. Sahlean

Over Treetops

Over treetops, white moon wanders,
Forest boughs shake gentle leaf,
Sounds a horn with distant grief,
Alders bow their heads asunder.

Far away and ever farther,
Softer still, its fading breath
Soothing with a dream of death
My soul’s unrequited ardor.

Why your music from me sever
When I turn to you forlorn—
Will you sound again sweet horn
For my soul’s enchantment, ever?

Ana Cartianu

Over Tree-Tops

The moon wanders o’er tree-tops,
Softly flutters forest leaf,
Through the branches of the alders
Sounds a horn regretfully.

Far away and ever fainter,
Low and muffled smothered quite,
Sorrowful my heart it soothes
With a longing for the night.

Why keep silent, when as spell-bound,
My heart ever turns to thee?
Shall you ring, sweet-sounding horn
Ever again for me?

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eve star's flight / glossa / unto the star / wretched dionis / stars in the sky / store