Mihai Eminescu
Porni luceafarul.Cresteau
In cer a lui aripe,
Si cai de mii de ani treceau
In tot atitea clipe.
Un cer de stele dedesupt,
Deasupra-i cer de stele-
Parea un fulger nentrerupt
Ratacitor prin ele.
Si din a chaosului vai,
Jur imprejur de sine,
Vedea ca-n ziua cea dentii,
Cum izvorau lumine;
Cum izvorind il inconjor
Ca niste mari de-a-notul...
El zboara, gand purtat de dor,
Pan' piere totul, totul;
Caci unde-ajunge nu-i hotar,
Nici ochi spre a cunoaste,
Si vremea-ncearca in zadar
Din goluri a se naste.
Nu e nimic si totusi e
O sete care-l soarbe,
E un adinc asemene
Uitarii celei oarbe.
-De greul negrei vecinicii,
Parinte, ma dezleaga
Si laudat pe veci sa fii
Pe-a lumii scara-ntreaga;
O, cere-mi, Doamne, orice pret,
Dar da-mi o alta soarte,
Caci tu izvor esti de vieti
Si datator de moarte;
Reia-mi al nemuririi nimb
Si focul din privire,
Si pentru toate da-mi in schimb
O ora de iubire...
Din chaos, Doamne,-am aparut
Si m-as intoarce-n chaos...
Si din repaos m-am nascut'
Mi-e sete de repaos.
-Hyperion, ce din genuni
Rasai c-o-ntreaga lume,
Nu cere semne si minuni
Care n-au chip si nume;
Tu vrei un om sa te socoti,
Cu ei sa te asameni?
Dar piara oamenii cu toti,
S-ar naste iarasi oameni.
Ei numai doar dureaza-n vint
Desarte idealuri-
Cand valuri afla un mormint,
Rasar in urma valuri;
Ei doar au stele cu noroc
Si prigoniri de soarte,
Noi nu avem nici timp, nici loc,
Si nu cunoastem moarte.
Din sinul vecinicului ieri
Traieste azi ce moare,
Un soare de s-ar stinge-n cer
S-aprinde iarasi soare;
Parand in veci a rasari,
Din urma moartea-l paste,
Caci toti se nasc spre a muri
Si mor spre a se naste.
Iar tu, Hyperion, ramai
Oriunde ai apune...
Cere-mi cuvantul meu dentai-
Sa-ti dau intelepciune?
Vrei sa dau glas acelei guri,
Ca dup-a ei cantare
Sa se ia muntii cu paduri
Si insulele-n mare?
Vrei poate-n fapta sa arati
Dreptate si tarie?
Ti-as da pamantul in bucati
Sa-l faci imparatie.
Iti dau catarg linga catarg,
Ostiri spre a strabate
Pamantu-n lung si marea-n larg,
Dar moartea nu se poate...
Si pentru cine vrei sa mori?
Intoarce-te, te-ndreapta
Spre-acel pamant ratacitor
Si vezi ce te asteapta.
Adrian G. Sahlean
(The Legend of the Evening Star)
So left the Evening Star. His wings
Grew large across the sky
As thousand years of reach would spring
And at a wink go by;
A canopy of stars below,
Above, a starry dome:
An endless lightning seemed to flow
And through the heavens roam
And in the dark that streamed around,
As on the first day's morn,
He glimpsed the chaos vales unbound
From where the light is born.
He flies aswim through seas of light
With love on wings of thought ...
Until all perishes from sight,
Until all turns to naught;
He goes where there's no bound or bourn
Nor is there eye to know,
And time itself from voids uptorn
Struggles in vain to grow;
For there is naught, yet it is there
A thirst that draws him on,
A depth that lingers, like the snare
Of blind oblivion...
"Father, from dark eternity
My burden now reverse
And your name ever hallowed be
In all the universe!
Ask me, Lord, anything, but give
Me fate of different breath,
For you're the spring of lives to live,
And giver are of death;
Immortal nimbus overturn,
From eyes remove the fire,
But for all give me in return
One hour of desire ...
From chaos, Lord, I came alive,
My thirst to chaos goes
And, of repose once born, I strive
To go back to repose!"
"Hyperion, you out of chasm
Arise with worlds of grace!
Ask not for wonder or phantasm
That has no name or face;
To be a human is your call?
A man, is that your mind?
Oh, let the humans perish all,
Others would breed in kind.
Men only build to nothingness
Vain dreams in noble guise:
When waves to silent tomb quiesce
New waves again will rise;
Men merely live by stars of luck
And star-crossed fatefulness;
We have no death to prove our pluck
Nor place or time possess.
From the eternal yesterday
Today lives what will die,
Should sun from heavens once decay
New suns would light the sky
And seem to rise to endless morn
While death in wait would lie,
For all die only to be born
And all are born to die.
But you, Hyperion, shall live
Wherever you may set ...
So ask me now the Word to give:
That you can wisdom get?
Or, maybe, give you voice and bring
Sweet music to your song
So forests in the mountain sing
And oceans go along?
Perhaps you justice wish to make?
Your strength with deeds to prove?
The earth in pieces I could break
So you can kingdoms move!
I'll give you armies march their stride
To steal the world its breath,
Long ships upon seas far and wide ...
But I won't give you death!
And who to die for, now behold!
Of what awaits, beware!
Go back and watch that wand'ring mould
And heed to what lies there."
Brenda Walker
The Star set out. His wings suddenly swelled
To shadow the earth in a moment,
Light years ran back as he passed
And were gone in a moment.
A sky of stars stretched above him And a sky of stars below-
As lightning he roamed between them
In a never ending flow.
And from cold valleys of forgetting
Surrounded by stillness He saw, as in the beginning Light separated from the darkness.
And then how they surrounded him
On a flood tide as if swimming...
He flew, fired by his own passion,
Till again nothing, nothing.
For where he arrives there's no boundary,
Now eyes able to witness, And to be born, time strives fruitlessly From the labor of emptiness.
Here there is nothing and yet there's a thirst
That utterly consumed him, There's only a great depth traversed Once more by blind oblivion.
"Father absolve me, set me free
From the burden of immortal birth Then praised forever You will be
By everything on earth;
Oh, ask me Lord, any price
For I need fate's other path,
And all else Lord Will I sacrifice,
Giver of life and death;
Take back the immortality if my radiance I had above,
And in return please give to me
Just one hour of love.
From out of chaos, Lord, I came
And to chaos would return,
And from the stillness I was born
And thirst for stillness again."
"Hyperion, who came from the abyss To rise with all the universe,
Ask me not for signs and wonders
Without shape, Without names.
So you wish to take the shape of man,
And feel the same as them But, if they perish new waves can
Yet be born again.
For only man will chase an ideal,
in vain, but he always tries.
Waves dip to find their graves and still Other waves will rise.
Only men have lucky stars
But bad luck comes as well
While we have neither time not place
And hear no death-knell.
In the womb of eternal yesterday
There who live must die there,
And if a sun fades out today
Another will glow with fire.
They always appear to rise and set
But death always haunts them,
For things are born to die and yet
Die to be reborn.
While you, when you set will never grow old
But remain Hyperion forever,
Three and a half stanzas are skipped by the translator and summarized below:
For you are from the eternal mold,
A miracle and a wonder.
And for whom do you really want to die?
Turn back, return once more
And follow earth with watchful eye
To see what lies in store."