Mihai Eminescu - translations by Adrian G. Sahlean & al.

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The Legend
The Evening Star


The Legend of the Evening Star - Legenda Luceafarului

1-st edition Prospero Press (1996), Boston
2-nd edition BNR, Romania (2000)

The volume 'The Legend of the Evening Star' ('Legenda Luceafarului') is a special commemorative bilingual edition meant to share with the English readership the literary genius of Mihai Eminescu, Romania's foremost poet. The Evening Star, Eminescu's cornerstone work, blends universal myth and poetic genius with story-telling of unmistakable folkloric influence.

The fifty six page, 8.5"x 8.5" edition is illustrated with color etchings by the late Romanian artist Traian Alexandru Filip, whose powerful, emotionally charged works grace many international museums, including the Vatican. The introductory note to this edition is written by the well-known poet Nina Cassian. The translator's note addresses the specific intentions of the English version by its author. The edition is distributed solely by 'Prospero Press' of Needham, MA.

This rendition of The Legend of the Evening Star was performed at Acorn Theatre, off-Broadway, in 2005. An abridged version of the poem with photos from the show can be seen on the Global Arts site HERE (external site).

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